WKND Insider

Introducing WKND Insider our loyalty program designed to give back to our customers. Whether you’re shopping in-store or online, you’ll earn points for every purchase, unlock exclusive perks like early access to sales and new arrivals, and get rewarded for sharing WKND with your friends. It’s our way of saying thank you for being part of our amazing community.
How it works
When you’re a part of WKND Insider, you will earn points for every purchase you make, which can be redeemed for discounts over time. If you opt into our emails, you’ll also receive early notice when we get new inventory, as well as a heads up on any sales or special events. It’s our way of rewarding loyal customers and building a community between customers, neighbors, and makers.
Of course not! It is entirely up to you whether or not you want to participate in the program. You will automatically earn points if you check out online or shop in person with an account we recognize, but you don’t have to redeem them or do anything differently than you’re used to.
There are four ways to earn points:
- Follow us on Instagram
- Place an order (or buy something in-person)
- Refer a friend
- Celebrate your birthday!
Just click on the Rewards widget on the lower corner of the site (the little green button with the bag icon that says "Insider". If you’re already signed in with Shopify, you will see your rewards balance right there. If you need to log in or sign up, Shopify makes that super easy—you don’t even need to set a password!
Click the rewards widget on the bottom corner of the page to open it, then select Ways to redeem. From there, you’ll see all your eligible discounts and offers. Redeem one to reveal a discount code that you can apply at checkout. Easy peasy!
If you buy something from our Cabot street shop, just make sure the purchase goes onto your WKND customer account. Sometimes this happens automatically if we recognize the credit card, but if you want to make sure you get credit, just tell the person at the counter — they’ll take care of the rest!
When you refer a friend and they buy something from us, they get $10 and you get $10. From the Rewards widget on the site, copy your personal referral code and share it with your friends however you prefer. When they click the link, they’ll need to enter their email address, and that’s how they’ll get their discount code. Once they complete checkout, you’ll earn your reward. Your friend doesn’t have to create an account or use the discount in order for you to earn your reward. They just have to make a purchase.